Pet-sitter Services

CuidaMiMascota is a pet-sitter service offered in Monterrey, MX. If you plan on going for vacations, business traveling, or a family reunion and do not want to leave your pet alone, they will find a pet lover to take care of your best friend. They have more than 5,000 pet-sitters in México and Argentina.​​​​​​​


Social Media: Facebook Ads (carrousel, etc), Instagram Posts, Twitter Posts & Google Ads
Copywriting: Social media & Email marketing
Website: Update, and maintenance
Mobile Application: Menu icons.​​​​​​
Instagram Gifs
Promotional Videos: Facebook & Instagram Ads, Youtube, and Twitter.
Branding: Iconography and Brading Application throughout every project


Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Indesign, and Instapage.
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